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use std::{
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use async_stream::stream;
use matrix_sdk::{
api::r0::{account::register::Request as RegistrationRequest, uiaa::AuthData},
room::message::{MessageEvent, MessageEventContent, MessageType},
AnyMessageEvent, AnyRoomEvent, AnySyncRoomEvent, AnyToDeviceEvent,
identifiers::{DeviceId, EventId, RoomId, ServerName, UserId},
Client, ClientConfig, LoopCtrl, SyncSettings,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub type Error = anyhow::Error;
// Needed to be able to serialize `Session`s. Should be done with serde remote.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Session {
access_token: String,
pub user_id: UserId,
pub device_id: Box<DeviceId>,
pub homeserver: String,
impl From<Session> for matrix_sdk::Session {
fn from(s: Session) -> Self {
Self {
access_token: s.access_token,
user_id: s.user_id,
device_id: s.device_id,
pub async fn signup(
username: &str,
password: &str,
server: &str,
device_name: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(Client, Session), Error> {
let url = Url::parse(server)?;
let client = client(url)?;
let mut request = RegistrationRequest::new();
request.username = Some(username);
request.password = Some(password);
request.initial_device_display_name = Some(device_name.unwrap_or("retrix"));
request.inhibit_login = false;
// Get UIAA session key
let uiaa = match client.register(request.clone()).await {
Err(e) => match e.uiaa_response().cloned() {
Some(uiaa) => uiaa,
None => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Missing UIAA response")),
Ok(_) => {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Missing UIAA response"));
// Get the first step in the authentication flow (we're ignoring the rest)
let stages = uiaa.flows.get(0);
let kind = stages.and_then(|flow| flow.stages.get(0)).cloned();
// Set authentication data, fallback to password type
request.auth = Some(AuthData::DirectRequest {
kind: kind.as_deref().unwrap_or("m.login.password"),
session: uiaa.session.as_deref(),
auth_parameters: Default::default(),
let response = client.register(request).await?;
let session = Session {
access_token: response.access_token.unwrap(),
user_id: response.user_id,
device_id: response.device_id.unwrap(),
homeserver: server.to_owned(),
Ok((client, session))
/// Login with credentials, creating a new authentication session
pub async fn login(
username: &str,
password: &str,
server: &str,
device_name: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(Client, Session), Error> {
let url = Url::parse(server)?;
let client = client(url)?;
let response = client
let session = Session {
access_token: response.access_token,
user_id: response.user_id,
device_id: response.device_id,
homeserver: server.to_owned(),
Ok((client, session))
pub async fn restore_login(session: Session) -> Result<(Client, Session), Error> {
let url = Url::parse(&session.homeserver)?;
let client = client(url)?;
Ok((client, session))
/// Create a matrix client handler with the desired configuration
fn client(url: Url) -> Result<Client, matrix_sdk::Error> {
let config = ClientConfig::new().store_path(&dirs::config_dir().unwrap().join("retrix"));
Client::new_with_config(url, config)
/// File path to store session data in
fn session_path() -> std::path::PathBuf {
/// Read session data from config file
pub fn get_session() -> Result<Option<Session>, Error> {
let path = session_path();
if !path.is_file() {
return Ok(None);
let session: Session = toml::from_slice(&std::fs::read(path)?)?;
/// Save session data to config file
fn write_session(session: &Session) -> Result<(), Error> {
let serialized = toml::to_string(&session)?;
std::fs::write(session_path(), serialized)?;
/// Break down an mxc url to its authority and path
pub fn parse_mxc(url: &str) -> Result<(Box<ServerName>, String), Error> {
let url = Url::parse(&url)?;
anyhow::ensure!(url.scheme() == "mxc", "Not an mxc url");
let host = url.host_str().ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("url"))?;
let server_name: Box<ServerName> = <&ServerName>::try_from(host)?.into();
let path = url.path_segments().and_then(|mut p|;
match path {
Some(path) => Ok((server_name, path.to_owned())),
_ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid mxc url")),
/// Makes an iced subscription for listening for matrix events.
pub struct MatrixSync {
client: matrix_sdk::Client,
join: Option<tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>>,
//id: String,
impl MatrixSync {
pub fn subscription(client: matrix_sdk::Client) -> iced::Subscription<Event> {
iced::Subscription::from_recipe(MatrixSync { client, join: None })
/// A matrix event that should be passed to the iced subscription
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Event {
/// An event for an invited room
Invited(AnyRoomEvent, Arc<matrix_sdk::room::Invited>),
/// An event for a joined room
Joined(AnyRoomEvent, Arc<matrix_sdk::room::Joined>),
/// An event for a left room
Left(AnyRoomEvent, Arc<matrix_sdk::room::Left>),
/// A to-device event
/// Synchronization token
impl<H, I> iced_futures::subscription::Recipe<H, I> for MatrixSync
H: std::hash::Hasher,
type Output = Event;
fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {
use std::hash::Hash;
fn stream(
mut self: Box<Self>,
_input: iced_futures::BoxStream<I>,
) -> iced_futures::BoxStream<Self::Output> {
let (sender, mut receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let client = self.client.clone();
let join = tokio::task::spawn(async move {
|response| async {
for (id, room) in response.rooms.join {
let joined = Arc::new(client.get_joined_room(&id).unwrap());
for event in {
let id = id.clone();
let event = AnyRoomEvent::State(event.into_full_event(id));
sender.send(Event::Joined(event, Arc::clone(&joined))).ok();
for event in {
let event = event.into_full_event(id.clone());
sender.send(Event::Joined(event, Arc::clone(&joined))).ok();
for event in {
self.join = Some(join);
let stream = stream! {
while let Some(item) = receiver.recv().await {
yield item;
pub trait AnyRoomEventExt {
/// Gets the event id of the underlying event
fn event_id(&self) -> &EventId;
/// Gets the ´origin_server_ts` member of the underlying event
fn origin_server_ts(&self) -> SystemTime;
/// Gets the mxc url in a message event if there is noe
fn image_url(&self) -> Option<String>;
impl AnyRoomEventExt for AnyRoomEvent {
fn event_id(&self) -> &EventId {
match self {
AnyRoomEvent::Message(e) => e.event_id(),
AnyRoomEvent::State(e) => e.event_id(),
AnyRoomEvent::RedactedMessage(e) => e.event_id(),
AnyRoomEvent::RedactedState(e) => e.event_id(),
fn origin_server_ts(&self) -> SystemTime {
match self {
AnyRoomEvent::Message(e) => e.origin_server_ts(),
AnyRoomEvent::State(e) => e.origin_server_ts(),
AnyRoomEvent::RedactedMessage(e) => e.origin_server_ts(),
AnyRoomEvent::RedactedState(e) => e.origin_server_ts(),
fn image_url(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self {
AnyRoomEvent::Message(message) => message.image_url(),
_ => None,
pub trait AnyMessageEventExt {
fn image_url(&self) -> Option<String>;
impl AnyMessageEventExt for AnyMessageEvent {
fn image_url(&self) -> Option<String> {
match self {
AnyMessageEvent::RoomMessage(MessageEvent {
MessageEventContent {
msgtype: MessageType::Image(ref image),
}) => image.url.clone(),
_ => None,
pub trait AnySyncRoomEventExt {
fn into_full_event(self, room_id: RoomId) -> AnyRoomEvent;
impl AnySyncRoomEventExt for AnySyncRoomEvent {
fn into_full_event(self, id: RoomId) -> AnyRoomEvent {
match self {
AnySyncRoomEvent::Message(e) => AnyRoomEvent::Message(e.into_full_event(id)),
AnySyncRoomEvent::State(e) => AnyRoomEvent::State(e.into_full_event(id)),
AnySyncRoomEvent::RedactedMessage(e) => {
AnySyncRoomEvent::RedactedState(e) => {